Mountain Lodge Contacts

Emergency Contacts

When dialing numbers outside of Mountain Lodge, you dial the ten digit number you wish to call.  Four digit extensions inside Mountain Lodge can be dialed directly.
Police, Fire & Emergency Medical Services 911
Tell the operator the nature of your emergency, your room number and that you are at Mountain Lodge at Snowshoe.
Pocahontas Memorial Hospital 304-799-7400
Pocahontas Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department provides 24 hour emergency care with a nurse and physician on duty at all times.  The hospital is located on Route 219 South in Marlinton.
Poison Center 800-222-1222
Each call to the poison center is answered by a specialist in poison information who is specially trained in the management of poisoning emergencies.
Snowshoe Public Safety 304-572-5962
Use this number for non-life-threatening situations.
Mountain Lodge Maintenance
Extension 2023
You may need to leave a message.  If the problem is getting worse, call the front desk at extension 2020 during the winter season.
Mountain Lodge Housekeeping
Extension 2023
You may need to leave a message.  After hours call extension 6799 or call the front desk at 6782 during the winter season.
Non-Emergency Medical Services
Dr. John Eilers, a general practitioner, has two offices near Snowshoe.  The Big Springs Clinic is on Route 66 at the bottom of the mountain and can be reached at 304-572-4410.  His other office is located in Greenbank and can be reached by calling 304-456-5050.  Days, hours, and location vary.

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